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Le Conseil d'administration de l'Université de Namur
annonce la vacance du(des) poste(s) suivant(s)

Full-time faculty position in Organization and innovation management

University faculty : Economics, social sciences and business administration
Grade : instructors
Contract : fixed term contract
Category : academic personnel
Allocation : University staff
Reference : poste Z 50008894 - poste 168-130


Academic environment

The Board of Administrators of the University of Namur announces the vacancy of a Full-time faculty position in Organization and innovation management

The University of Namur welcomes near 7,000 students every year to its 60 bachelor, master, and doctoral study programs. Of the University’s 1,200 employees, almost 1,000 actively contribute to research, through 64 research laboratories and centers and 11 research institutes. The Faculty of economics, social sciences and management accounts for 1,300 students and 170 staff members, among whom 85 academic and 70 scientific members. The Faculty offers full- time and part-time bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in management and economics. It also organises programs in political sciences and communication studies. Its members undertake research in various fields of expertise.

The candidate will be part of the Department of Management, which has 60 full- and part-time academic and research staff. The Department offers bachelor, master, and doctoral programs, with a particular focus on topics in finance, services management, marketing, and information management. Research is organized within 3 research institutes (DeFiPP – Development Finance & Public Policies, NADI – Namur Digital Institute and naXys – Namur Institute for Complex systems). The Department actively collaborates with many national and international institutions and companies, through research projects, seminars, consultancy and student internships.

Job description

The activities associated with the position are equally subdivided into research and teaching activities. The candidate is expected to show expertise in the organization and innovation management area to develop both his/her teaching and research activities. Teaching will mainly take place in the master’s programmes in management and business engineering and in the bachelor’s programs of the University of Namur.

More generally, the applicant will:

• be responsible for teaching courses at the various study levels (i.e. undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate) ;

• supervise master theses as well as PhD dissertations ;

• be involved in (and/or supervise, promote) research programs in the abovementioned fields within the Namur Digital Institute (NADI).

Through his/her research activities, the applicant will raise the university’s profile and more particularly:

• find and obtain external funding for research,

• enlarge the University’s partners basis.

Finally, the candidate is expected to contribute to the dynamics of the department and faculty and will in the future be involved in administrative responsibilities at the Department, Faculty or University level.


The applicant will have:

• a PhD degree in Management, Economics, or equivalent, (or have obtained one before taking the position) ;

• excellent skills to teach to a university student audience ;

• the aptitude to incorporate research results into his/her teachings ;

• the aptitude to work in a team and the potential to organise and lead a research group ;

• the aptitude to publish in top-tier journals in management ;

• a good command of both spoken and written English and the ability to teach in English ;

• a good command of French or, if not the case, the applicant should be ready to learn French within a year (B2 level), fluency in other languages will be considered as an additional asset.

The following features will be considered as assets :

• one or several visits to academic and research institutions other than the one that delivered the PhD degree (post-doc or a visiting research stay of at least 3 months) ;

• show creativity and innovation in terms of teaching and interdisciplinary research ;

• the ability to incorporate the business world in teaching and research activities and/or to initiate and develop collaborations with the business world ;

• teaching experience at the university level.

Additional information

Further information can be obtained from Prof. Oscar BERNAL, Director of the Department of Management, Rempart de la Vierge, 8 , B-5000 Namur (Belgium) ; +32 81 72 48 79; oscar.bernal@unamur.be.

All practical information needed by foreign candidates can be obtained from the website of the European researchers’ mobility portal (EURAXESS): https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/. Queries concerning the salary can be addressed to cellule.remuneration@unamur.be.


Selection process

• applications are examined by the recruitment committee ;

• nominated candidates will be invited to give a talk on a compulsory theme not later than two months after the deadline for submission of applications, and to present their research to the recruitment committee and Faculty members ;

• meeting with HR ;

• decision by the University’s Board of administrators.

The application form can be downloaded from the University of Namur website (http://www.unamur.be/universite/ jobs/). The filled out form should be returned before August 15 2023 by email (in PDF format) at candidature@unamur.be, with a curriculum vitae, research and teaching statement (maximum 5 pages each), maximum 3 representative publications (minimum 1), 2-3 letters of recommendation, and, if any, teaching evaluations. An electronic version should also be sent to Prof. Oscar BERNAL, Director of the Department of Management (oscar.bernal@unamur.be).


The appointment starts on January 1st 2024. If the candidate has had no academic or permanent research position within the University, then the first three years are the period for the candidate’s integration in the new environment. After the three years, the Board evaluates the candidate, and if the evaluation is positive, proposes a tenured position. Salary is at the levels in force in all Universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (barème 007: https://www.unamur.be/universite/jobs/baremes/echelles-de-traitements-mensuels-bruts-a-temps-plein-au-01-07- 2016-index-164-06/view).

The human resources management policy of the University of Namur is based on respect for the equal rights and equal treatment of all. Diversity is articulated around different axes, including gender, disability, origin, beliefs, age, sexual orientation, and so on. The University of Namur is also a signatory of the Charter of Diversity.