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Accueil > Offres d'emploi > Full-time research logistician (M/F) in cryogenic electron microscopy for the electron microscopy core facility
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Le Conseil d'administration de l'Université de Namur
annonce la vacance du(des) poste(s) suivant(s)

Full-time research logistician (M/F) in cryogenic electron microscopy for the electron microscopy core facility

Department : electron microscopy platform
Grade : Research logistician
Contract : renewable one year fixed term contract
Category : scientific personnel
Allocation : External funds


The Electron microscopy core facility is one of the technological platforms of University de Namur and is dedicated to offer the state-of-the art in electron microscopy, both for life science and material applications. The platform gathers a wide variety of state-of-the-art instruments, such as two scanning electron microscopes and two transmission electron microsocopes. Various associated techniques are also available (energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, electron backscatter diffraction, etc..).

Your missions

As part of a project to purchase a new cryogenic microscope, the electron microscopy technological platform is looking for a full-time (100%) research logistician (fixed-term) in cryogenic electron microscopy.

Within this project, your missions will be:

• Act as main point for cryo-microscopy inside the platform in particular in life science.

• You coach and train the different users on the cryo-microscope.

• Schedule management.

• You carry out cryo-microscopy requests from outside the university (other universities or companies) as part of service contracts.

• Training of researchers for biological sample preparation using vitrification tool.

• Assistance to users with sample preparation according to the type of biological material, discussions with researchers on their research questions to define the best protocols for preparation and analysis with cryo-microscope.

• Technology monitoring



You hold:

• A PhD degree in Science or another relevant discipline

• A doctoral thesis or post-doctoral formation during which you developed strong expertise in cryo-microscopy is an asset

• Publications in peer-reviewed journals in the cryo-microscopy field is an asset

Professional experience

The candidate must demonstrate professional experience in cryo-microscopy. Required Skills You have the following skills:

• You are an expert in cryo-microscopy and sample vitrification and up-to date on the current limitations and possibilities of the tools with a focus on biological samples.

• Mindset for supporting and enabling science of other research labs through offering of expertise.

• Excellent theoretical and practical knowledge of cryo-microscopy with expertise all the usual microscopy techniques (Electron diffraction, STEM, Tomography, etc…).

• Strong team spirit: you will work with other team members.

• Excellent communication abilities: you must be proficient in English (oral and written), French being the working langage.

• Strong motivation for the position.

Additional information

Concerning the recruitment and selection procedure: developpement.rh@unamur.be For any other question, concerning the content of the function or its context : Prof. Jean-François Colomer, director of electron microscoy platform : jean-francois.colomer@unamur.be

How to apply

The application, consisting of a detailed curriculum vitae, a cover letter and the application form available via the following link : https://www.unamur.be/universite/jobs/formulaires/formulaire-de-candidature-pour-le-personnel-scientifique-francais-anglais/view , must be sent to Jean-François Colomer ( jean-francois.colomer@unamur.be ), for 1 September at the latest.


You will be hired for a fixed-term contract of one year potentially renewable as a 50 %.

The scales applied at the University of Namur can be viewed on our website : https://www.unamur.be/universite/jobs/baremes

Our human resources management policy is based on respect for equal rights and equal treatment for all. This diversity is also articulated around different axes: gender, disability, origin, beliefs, age, sexual orientation, etc. The University of Namur is also a signatory of the diversity charter.