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Post-Doc researcher for in-silico study of sustainable decoating methods of PVD thin films

University faculty : Sciences
Starting date : 9/20/2024
Category : scientific personnel
Allocation : External funds



The position is a part of the ECODECO project, funded by FTJ (Fond de la Transition Juste), with different academic partners from Walloon Region (UNAMUR, UCL, CRM, Cenaero, UMONS, Materia Nova, Multitel and CTP) and an industrial steering committee. Modifying the surface of an object can significantly increase its lifespan or performance, and this methodology is used in many fields such as cutting tools, polymer metallization, the medical sector, or optics. However, adding such a material to a surface, even if the thickness remains small (1nm – 10 μm), hinders the recyclability of the object due to the difference in materials. For better recycling, it is therefore necessary to remove the coating. The main current methods are based on pyrometallurgy, a very energy-intensive method that separates materials thermally, and is only applicable to metals. In certain sectors, such as high-value-added machining tools, the object must even be decoated, re-prepared, and recoated (recharged) multiple times during its lifecycle. Decoating must then be done chemically, using baths with high concentrations of alkaline products and surfactants, which have a significant environmental impact. The ECODECO project portfolio is dedicated to implementing eco-friendly decoating solutions to enable the decoating of objects at the end of their life. The portfolio includes the production of standard samples, the study of their aging, and the implementation of decoating solutions, both through an experimental approach and using digital tools. Description of the position

At the LARN laboratory of UNamur, this position is related to the simulation of coating, aging and decoating processes of PVD thin films.


The position is a full time (possibly 90% or 80% part time) position for 2 years at UNamur. The post-doc researcher will focus on modelling and simulation of thin coating deposition, aging and decoating processes. The researcher will work in close collaboration with another postdoctoral researcher (working on the experimental aspects), external academic partners, and the developing team from ICS (Innovative Coating Solutions, a spin-off of LARN laboratory) which is in charge of the development of “Virtual Coater”, the software used in this project.

More specifically, the tasks of the project are the following:

  • Simulation of surface treatment processes
  • Simulation of aging phenomena at a microscopic scale (low-pressure coatings)
  • Use of simulation tools to support the design of interface layers and to predict decoating phenomena


A successful candidate must have :

  • A PhD degree in Physics or Material science,
  • Experience in software development (skill in c or c++ required),
  • Experience in multiscale multi-physics simulations. Knowledge in ab-initio calculations (like Density Functional Theory) is a plus.

In addition, the candidate will have the following skills:

  • Work in team
  • Proficient in English
  • French is a plus

Additional information

Send a CV and motivation letter by e-mail no later than 23rd June 2024 to jerome.muller@unamur.be.

For any questions, please contact us by email.


Recruitment policy: The human resources management policy of the University of Namur is based on respect for equal rights and equal treatment for all. This diversity is articulated around different axes, including gender, disability, origin, beliefs, age, sexual orientation, etc. The University of Namur is also a signatory of the charter of diversity. UNamur is also committed to adhering to the 40 principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the European Union Code for the Recruitment of Researchers in its human resources management (OTM-R policy).