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Full-time Teaching & Research Assistant (m/f) Position in Finance (PhD-track Position)

University faculty : Economics, social sciences and business administration
Department : Full-time in the Department of Management
Grade : academic assistant
Contract : 2 year fixed-term contract, renewable twice
Category : scientific personnel
Allocation : University staff
Reference : n° 168-04 (poste Z 50000895)


Academic environment

The University of Namur, with more than 70 programs, welcomes each year nearly 8,000 students and doctoral students, of 75 different nationalities, in law, computer science, medicine, philosophy and literature, science and social sciences. Of the University’s 1,400 employees, more than 900 actively contribute to research within 11 research institutes, 65 laboratories and research centers and 9 technological platforms. Alongside 6 other faculties, the Faculty of Economic, Social Sciences and Management nearly accounts 1,800 students (including 160 in time shift programs) and 250 staff members including 85 academic and 70 scientific members. It offers undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs in management, management engineering and economics, and undergraduate and postgraduate programs in political sciences and information and communication sciences. The Faculty members carry out cutting-edge research in numerous areas of expertise.

The candidate will be part of the Department of Management. The Department of Management has 60 full- and part-time academic and research staff. The Department offers bachelor, master, and doctoral programs, with a particular focus on topics in finance, services management, marketing, and information management. Research is organized through five research centers, and concentrates on the said topics. The Department actively collaborates with many national and international institutions and companies, through research projects, seminars, consultancy and student internships.

The Center for Research in Finance and Management (CeReFiM), one of the components of the DeFIPP Research Institute (Development, Finance & Public Policies), stands as one of the centers associated with the Department of Management. CeReFiM's research is mainly empirical and revolves around a wide range of topics covering, among others, financial econometrics (e.g., volatility, systemic risk, climate risk, contagion), central banking (communication policies, monetary policy transmission), macrofinance (fiscal policy, DSGE models), corporate finance (venture capital, private equity) and more recently sustainable finance (socially responsible investment, impact investing, micro-finance, sustainable portfolio management, sustainable performance and impact measures). The center includes 8 academics and 7 PhD students. The dynamism of the center has materialized in recent years through several publications in leading journals such as the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, the Journal of Banking and Finance or the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control and through the organization of leading seminars in partnership with the various Belgian universities and the National Bank of Belgium.

Job description

The position involves, in equal parts, teaching and research duties, as well as some service activities. Teaching (in the field of finance, in a broad sense) will be carried out within the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes. Research (approximately 50% of the work time associated with the position) will be undertaken in finance within the CeReFiM research center, one of the centers of the Development, Finance and Public Policies (DeFiPP) research institute.


The applicant holds or will hold by the end of September 2024 a Master’s degree in Business Administration, Management or in Economics (or equivalent), and is expected to have excelled in his/her curriculum (degree obtained with honours). S/he has a good command of spoken and written French and English. S/he must display excellent teaching skills. S/he wants and is able to develop an original research programme likely to lead to a doctoral degree in Economics and Management supervised by a member of the Department of Management.

Additional information

Prof. Oscar BERNAL (Director of the Department of Management), +32 81 72 48 79, oscar.bernal@unamur.be. Prof. Jean-Yves GNABO (Director of CeReFIM), +32 81 72 49 02, jean-yves.gnabo@unamur.be.

All practical information needed by foreign candidates can be obtained from the website of the European researchers’ mobility portal (EURAXESS): https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/.

Starting Date: November 4, 2024


The application form can be downloaded from the University of Namur website (http://www.unamur.be/universite/jobs/). The filled-out form (in PDF format) should be returned before July 15th by e-mail to the Head of the Department of Management, Prof. Oscar Bernal (oscar.bernal@unamur.be), with a curriculum vitae, a short description in English of a future or past research (e.g., master’s thesis) and a motivation letter for the position, which includes teaching and research duties. One or more recommendation letters will be considered as an asset.

Nominated candidates will be invited to a meeting with the members of the selection committee within one month of the deadline for submission of applications. More details will be announced later.

The human resources management policy of the University of Namur is based on respect for equal rights and equal treatment for all. This diversity is articulated around different axes, including gender, disability, origin, beliefs, age, sexual orientation, etc. The University of Namur is also a signatory of the charter of diversity.